^AIU Recognized PGDM courses Equivalent to MBA
Something extraordinary happened, and the world as we know it changed forever. Covid -19 had both devastating and temporary relieving effects on the world. It had a profound impact on people’s emotional and rational actions. This shift in emotional state called for a more nuanced understanding of people issues and a distinct approach to leadership. The leadership that beacons and stand the challenges lying ahead. Netritva 4.0, also known as Leadership 4.0, is firmly grounded in an appreciation of the essentials of leading with people rather than leading people per se. Netritva 4.0 is more humane. This approach promotes leaders who are tech savvy, who work in a collaborative style rather than a purely directive mode. These leaders are change leaders, not just change managers; they are conversationalists who draw strength from the wisdom of the group. Leadership 4.0 revolution is not only about embracing new ideas and breaking barriers, but also about not being afraid to try something new. Hyper- connectivity, social values, and openness are central to this aesthetic called Leadership 4.0.
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